Very wild, very wet and very windy
“Thanks Dark and White Cycling for putting on what was a truly EPIC event. Great feed stations and an amazing challenging route”
“Thanks for a friendly and well organised event yesterday guys, legs are shouting horrendous things at me today though”
“Thanks for the ride yesterday, probably the toughest I have done for several years. Riding with a broken nose & the adverse weather added to the challenge”
The first PEAK EPIC in 2013 was an extremely wet and windy affair but in an effort to outdo those conditions the weather turned decidedly “epic” for this years version. As if the routes themselves weren’t challenging enough, heavy rain and a strong westerly wind caused riders plenty of problems and it is testament to the levels of fitness and determination of the riders that they battled the conditions and got round the course. The key aim was getting to the point where the wind was behind you on the homeward stretch – the difficulty was getting to that point!!
Rider times | see here for all riders times (including split times at the feed stations).
Chris Meads the photographer has just about dried out now, check out all his pics here and don’t forget that he’s donating all proceeds of sales to Action for M.E.
We would like to thank Tori and Claire from Beat the Bonk for feed-station supplies and their help on the day. They have a great offer on for all Dark & White newsletter readers please see bottom of page for more details.
The superb Tipple Tails Total Fruit Cake was once again a hit at the feed-stations and finish. If you enjoyed the taste you can buy it online through Beat the Bonk – find out more here
The final shout out has to go to the event helpers who worked tirelessly the whole day to make the event what it was. To them we all owe our thanks.
Interested in another Dark & White sportive? Fancy exploring more of the Peak District and it’s surrounds? Check out the details of the Buxton Spa on 6th September and the shorter but very tough Matlock Top Ten on 24th October