The toughest Peak District sportive is back for 2021. The Peak Epic is one of the UK’s most challenging road cycling events comparable in difficulty to the Fred Whitton.
The ride starts and finishes from Lady Manners School in the beautiful Peak District market town of Bakewell. The truly epic route ascends 4000m/ >13000ft in just 166 km/ 103 miles across the full breadth of Peaks taking in the Hope Valley, Edale, Chapel-en-le-Frith, Axe Edge, Flash and Crowdecote.
The majority of the ride is held on narrow country lanes away from the traffic filled A and B roads. The terrain is relentless, continuously up and down, twisting and turning leading to low average speeds – the average finish time is around 9 hours. The Peak Epic is certainly not to be underestimated!
If you are looking for real challenge the Peak Epic might just be it!
The Peak Epic is a British Cycling registered sportive run under BC rules and regulations.
Past experience of similar challenging events is required for entry – those without sufficient experience may not be allowed to enter.
As a result of ongoing road closures and poor road surfaces on the original route, the final 40 km of the 2021 route is different to previous years. There is also a number of other possible road closures that may affect the route – if this is the case we will let all participants know of any route changes in advance of the event.
The 2021 event will be slightly different to previous editions as we follow the appropriate COVID-19 guidance from British Cycling and local authorities Please make sure you carefully read all the event information and if you have any questions or queries please contact us.
165.8 km / 103 miles
4000 m / 13123 ft
Very Strenuous
Average Finish Time
9 hrs
Route Map
GPS Files
Route Profile
Strava Route
Event Information
Please find all the relevant event information below, and please do not hesitate to get in contact with us if you have any queries. All the information below will be compiled into the event road book. Final details will be sent out via email to all competitors in the week prior to the event which will include additional event details not found below.
How We Are Making The Peak Epic Covid Secure.
In order for the Peak Epic to be allowed to take place, we have had to make a significant number of changes to the way we previously organised our cycling events, to ensure that they can now take place in a covid secure manner. These changes are all in accordance with the latest rules and regulations set out by British Cycling and local authorities.
Can you please make sure that you have fully read through our Covid Mitigation PDF so you are fully aware of what you need to do before and during the event.
We will re-send a link to this information with our usual final details email, which will be sent in the week prior to the event.
Should you have any queries about this then please do not hesitate to contact us.
Entry Fees
Standard Entry £35
Late Entry £40 (from 1/4/2021)
Entry Limit: 200
Entry Closes on the 04/07/2021 or when the entry limit is reached
Event Venue
Lady Manners School
DE45 1JA
Facilities – COVID CHANGES
Covered HQ
Due to covid restrictions we cannot provide changing facilities or post event hot drinks and snacks
The majority of parking is on onsite at the school, please park as directed by event marshals. Once the onsite parking is full please park sensibly on the streets nearby i.e. don’t block any residence drives.
Please car share wherever possible!
Covid-19 Health Declaration Form
The day before the event you must perform a self-assessment for Covid by completing our Health Declaration form and bringing the signed form to registration. Alternatively there is an electronic form that can be completed online but this must be submitted before 3pm on the day before the event.
Links to both versions of the form will be supplied with the final information and on the website in the lead up to the event.
Failure to either bring a signed form to the event or submit the electronic form by 3pm on Saturday 10th July 2021 will result in a non start.
By completing the form all event attendees will declare and agree to the following
- I have not tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 14 days.
- I do not have, and have not had in the past 14 days, any symptoms relating to COVID-19.
- I have not been self-isolating because of “track and trace” advice and/or been in contact with a person showing any of the symptoms of COVID-19 in the past 14 days.
- I have read the COVID-19 Health Assessment and agree to risks associated with attending the event.
- I am aware that by attending this event that the organiser is required to keep my details securely stored for 21 days for test and trace requirements.
- There are no local restrictions preventing me from attending the event.
Contact Test and Trace
By agreeing to attend the event i.e. by signing the COVID-19 Health Declaration form, you agree to have your contact information passed on to the relevant authorities if someone at the event is found to have had COVID-19 and you are known to have come in close contact with an infected person.
Whilst not compulsory we would recommend all attending the event to take a rapid lateral flow test before taking part. Anyone with a positive result MUST NOT ATTEND the event and follow government guidelines and stay at home and get a PCR test.
COVID-19 Symptoms
A HIGH TEMPERATURE – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature)
A NEW, CONTINUOUS COUGH – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)
A LOSS OR CHANGE TO YOUR SENSE OF SMELL OR TASTE – this means you’ve noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal
The symptoms extract has been copied from the NHS website, view for further information.
Opens at 6:45 am
Closes at 9:00 am
Please do not try and register more than 1 hour before your allocated start time.
In order to make sure there is steady stream of participants through registration please do not turn up more than 1 hour before your designated start time. That way the queue will be minimised and it will be easier for social distancing to be maintained.
Please ensure you plan your journey to the event so you can register and start on time.
Participants must sanitise hands before entering the registration building. Sanitiser stations will be available but participants are required to carry sanitiser at all times whilst attending the event.
Whilst queuing participants may queue in pairs but must maintain a 2m gap from the person in front.
We will implement a one way system into and out of registration – please follow the signs.
All participants must bring their signed health declaration and disclaimer form to the event or have filled the online version of the form by 3pm on Saturday 10th July – this will be emailed out to all entrants shortly before the event. There will be none available at registration.
At registration please place it in the designated box when collecting number and timing chip.
This will help maintain social distancing and minimise contact between event staff and participants.
After registering participants must leave the building immediately and either make their way to the start (if it is time to do so) or return and wait in their car.
Participants are not allowed to leave any personal belongings at registration.
Registration Process
At registration event staff will provide you with the following in a sealed plastic bag:
You will be required to self-strap your Si Timing Cards (dibber) to your wrist and wear it for the duration of the event. A designated member of staff, wearing appropriate PPE, will be available for assistance if required but participants are urged to do it themselves.
Participants will be required to use their SPORTident timing chip at the START, FINISH and DOWNLOAD. Details of how to do this will be explained in the EVENT SAFETY BRIEFING VIDEO (released a week before the event).
*The SiTiming Chip is being loaned to you for the day, take care of it, if you lose it you will be charged £30 for a replacement.
****The Golden Rule – if you are unable to complete your course you MUST let the organisers know either in person or telephone that you have retired. If you do not, you will be held responsible if the police is called out to search for you. A central telephone number will be provided on all event route maps.
Rolling Start Times
There will be rolling start windows – choose your allocated start time when entering.
7:30 am – 9:10 am
Choose your start window wisely if you need to 11 hours to complete the event make sure you select 7:30 start!!
To help prevent congregation at the start we will be switching to rolling starts rather than having a series of group starts every 10 minutes.
You will now be able to start anytime you wish within 10 minutes of your prescribed start time i.e. a participant with an 8:30 start time can start anytime from 8:30 up until 8:40.
You may start individually or within a social group of a maximum of 4.
Please only turn up to the start when you are ready to go. If there is a queue please maintain social distancing and wear a mask.
Event Briefing
Rather than having a start line briefing we will now be recording a video briefing that will be available to watch online before the event. A transcript of the briefing will be available to read and details will be emailed to all entrants in the week beforehand.
You will not be allowed to start without having watched/read the briefing!
Cut Off Times / Finish Time
You must have left the following places by the designated time. If you fail to reach the feed or water stations before the prescribed cut off time you will need to head directly back to the start/finish point using the event map as supplied. All riders who abandon or cut short must return to event HQ and inform a member of staff.
Hope feed station – 69 km – 13:00
Goyt Valley water station – 110 km – 15:30
Signed Cut Off* – 125 km – 16:30
Flash feed station – 135 km – 17:00
Finish Closes – 18:30
*Signed cut off – in addition to the cut off times at the feed and water stations there will also be signed cut off at the 125 km mark. This will allow anyone struggling with the terrain to choose to cut the ride short and head back to the finish. By taking the bail out option you cut out three tough climbs and about 25 km of route. If you take the cut off please inform event staff at download.
It will be compulsory for all riders to follow the signed cut off from 16:30 onwards, this is to ensure all riders reach the finish on time.
Please be aware the cut off times are strictly enforced and you will not be allowed to continue if you do not leave the feed/water station by that time.
Compulsory equipment
Face Mask
Personal Hand Sanitiser
Roadbike – must be roadworthy and in good working order.
Front & rear lights – required only in bad weather / poor visibility (strongly recommend at all times)
Helmet – hard shell helmets conforming to CE standard EN1078 (not caving, climbing or canoeing types)
Waterproof jacket*
Fully Charged Mobile phone
Money (in case you get stranded somewhere!)
Form of ID
Spare inner tubes – minimum of 2
Road pump – capable of inflating to at least 100 psi (CO2 canisters do not count)
Multitool – including a chain tool
Water bottles – 2 x 750 ml (or larger) full water bottles
Sufficient food to last at least 4 hours worth of riding – please be as self sufficient as possible
Event map – emergency contact numbers will be printed on the back of the map
Event officials will disqualify / prevent from continuing anyone who in their opinion does not meet the above compulsory equipment criteria.
*The requirement to carry a waterproof jacket may be relaxed in the event of warm weather but at all other times it is required.
Course Signage
The Peak Epic route will be signed with distinctive blue arrows on a yellow background attached to lampposts/signposts/telegraph poles.
The route will be well signed however on long sections of unbroken road where the route is obviously straight on then it won’t be signed – just keep going straight! At difficult junctions where navigation isn’t easy we will put out confirmation arrows after the junctions.
If at any point you are unsure as to your location or think you may have gone off route, please refer to the map provided. Do not continue on hoping to re-find the route, the Peak District is very easy to get lost in!
Care signs will be placed at the side of the road before dangerous junctions/descents – please adhere to them – they are there for your safety! Some of the descents are steep – please take care and remember it is not a race!
Please respect all other road users at all times!

Code of Conduct
By taking part in this event you agree to abide the following code of conduct – anyone seen to be breaking any of these will be EXCLUDED from the event plus all future events, and in serious cases a full report will be sent to British Cycling.
Observe The Highway Code At All Times
This event is held on open roads and you must obey the highway code at all times – ZERO EXCUSES!
Non Competitive Event – NO RACING
This is a non competitive event and you are forbidden from racing. If you want to race, this event is not for you – please enter a road race or a time trial. We take this extremely seriously!
No Urinating in public
Do not use the side of the road as a toilet – please use the marked public toilets on the map
No Rude or Abusive Behaviour
You must be polite and respectful to all road users (cars, horses, bikes, pedestrians etc.), event staff and marshals and any other members of the general public. This includes riding in a controlled manner and being able to slow down if confronted with ramblers, horses, farmers etc. in the road. You have no more right than they do to be on the road so please be respectful. This also includes being loud or swearing as you pass through villages – something that is regularly complained about by locals regarding cycle events.
No Littering
Litter bags will be provided at the feed-station so there is no excuse!! Keep litter/wrappers/cartons etc in your pockets until you reach the feed station / finish.
No Short cuts
If you aren’t interested in sticking to the route and completing the challenge please do not enter. If you are seen to be taking a short cut you will not be classified as a finisher.
We organise our events because we want to showcase the fantastic yet challenging riding the Peak District has to offer and we want them to be friendly, enjoyable rides for everybody involved.
Please help us clamp down on anyone breaking the code of conduct by reporting any incidents of poor behaviour to any of the event marshals or officials.
Course Hazards
Route Conditions
The Peak Epic is held principally on small, steep, country lanes – whilst relatively traffic free, they are very narrow and in places can be covered in a small layer of mud and/or gravel, which will require caution from all riders to descend safely and courteously. All riders must be ready and able to stop at any point as there may be livestock, walkers, horse riders, cyclists or cars on the roads. We will ensure that adequate caution/care signs are placed to warn you but riders must take care when descending at all times.
CARE signs are there for a reason – PLEASE ADHERE TO THEM
Please show respect to all riders and all other road users – the event roads are open to all traffic. Whilst riding on the smaller lanes or where traffic is busy please ride in single file. Please also be particularly careful of horses & riders and warn them of your approach and then pass quietly and carefully.
If for any reason you are unable to continue but still able to ride please return to the HQ using your map as navigation.
All riders who decide to abandon MUST return to HQ to return your ‘dibber’ and inform us of your abandonment. We don’t want to be out searching for anyone after the event has finished!
GOLDEN RULE: All riders must report to HQ/registration to return your Si dibber and let us know you are safe. NO EXCUSES!
Emergency Numbers
We hope you don’t need these but they can be found on the back of your route map handed out at registration. Cipher Medical are providing a Rapid Response Vehicle to cover any accidents and emergencies out on course. In the case of a life threatening emergency please do not hesitate to phone the emergency services directly on 999 or 112. (NB – please can you let someone know at Event HQ if you have done this)
Local Accident and Emergency Hospital
Chesterfield Royal Hospital, Calow, Chesterfield, Derbyshire, S44 5BL 01246 277271
Royal Derby Hospital, Uttoxeter New Rd, Derby DE22 3NE 01332 340131
Minor Injuries Unit, Buxton Cottage Hospital, London Road, Buxton SK17 9NJ 01298 212208
Macclesfield District General Hospital, Victoria Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 3BL 01625 421000
What 3 Words
Please download the free app WHAT 3 WORDS it is an easy way for you to provide us and the emergency services with an accurate position of your location.
Hazardous descents
Sir William Hill
Relatively wide but very fast descent. Can be busy with traffic. Narrows towards bottom.
North Lees Estate
Very narrow and steep. CAUTION! Two cattle grids: one at the top & one towards the bottom after a blind right hander. If wet descend with extra care as water flows down the road.
Bamford Edge
Extra care needed at the bottom of the descent. Fast straight descent that finishes with a T-junction on to the A6013.
Bradwell Moor – Castleton
Top section relatively wide, good road surface but open to crosswinds. Narrows and steepens half way down with blind corners often with some gravel on the road. Riders must be prepared and be able to stop.
Hanging Rocks – Whaley Bridge
Narrow road – relatively good visibility but bumpy road surface, used daily by farm traffic so road surface almost always has mud and gravel on to it.
Pym Chair – Errwood Reservoir
Fast, quite steep descent with a few bumps. Riders need to show extreme caution in the wet for the two right handers towards bottom.
Self sufficient
You are expected to be self sufficient and able to cope with punctures and minor mechanicals, etc.
This event is a challenge ride, not a race. It is you against the relentless terrain of the Peak District and you are required to carry adequate food and drink, along with tools required to fix normal everyday mechanicals such as broken chains, slipping gears and punctures.
In the event of a major mechanical there is an emergency support vehicle available. If you do have any major problems please contact HQ (emergency numbers are on the reverse of the map handed out at registration).
Please be warned that any medical emergencies will always take priority and it therefore may take some time for the emergency support vehicle to reach you. You may wish to arrange your own lift back to event HQ either by friends / family or a taxi – that is fine but please check in at the event HQ once you return as you must let us know you are safe and hand in your timing chip.
**Show some camaraderie and help out fellow riders in need!**
Previous Challenging Event Experience
The Peak Epic is a serious challenge and not one to be underestimated – that is why we require you to provide information of similar distance / difficulty events that you have undertaken in the past 2 years. Please contact us if you have any queries about this
Feed Stations / Water Station
Feed Station – Hope Sports Club
69 km / 42.8 miles – Toilets – 1 pm cut off
Individually wrapped cheese sandwiches, OTE sports nutrition (gels, flapjacks, energy drink), water & squash.
Water / Energy Drink Station – Goyt Valley – Remote
110 km / 68 miles – 3:30 pm cut off
Water top up point including OTE Energy Drink and Squash – No food supplies.
Feed Station – Flash Memorial Hall
135 km / 84 miles – Toilets – 5:00 pm cut off
Individually wrapped cheese sandwiches, OTE sports nutrition (gels, flapjacks, energy drink), water & squash.
You must be as self sufficient for food and drink as possible and you are required to carry two full 750 ml water bottles from the start. As well as food supplies to sustain you for at least 4 hours.
The feed station will be situated slightly off the course and to enter the feed station zone you must wear a face mask and sanitise hands. You must enter the zone one at a time.
If you do need supplies you must be prepared to wait.
You may fill your own water bottles but no plastic cups will be provided. Place your water container on the table and it will be filled via a jug by the feed station marshal.
As a results of covid we can no longer provide unpackaged food, so we will not have trays of nibbles and biscuits. OTE will provide sealed gels and bars.
We urge all participants to be as self-sufficient as possible
FEED STATION SUPPLIES ARE NOT UNLIMITED i.e. they are not all you can eat buffets! All efforts have been made to provide all riders with sufficient sustenance, however, stock cannot be guaranteed. Please take responsibly and consider your fellow riders who have yet to visit the feed station.
Please note that feed station supplies are not suitable for allergen suffers.
Timing Awards
PLATINUM – Sub 7hr GOLD – Sub 8hr SILVER – Sub 9hr BRONZE – 9hr+
PLATINUM – Sub 8hr GOLD – Sub 9hr SILVER – Sub 10hr BRONZE – 10hr+
All finishers will receive a PLATINUM, GOLD, SILVER or BRONZE finishing certificate. We also believe women should have separate timing awards to make gold certificates more achievable.
At the finish
You must stop at the finish line and self dib into SPORTident finish box which will be fixed to a table/stake. Failure to stop and dib will result in a non-finish.
After finishing you must sanitise hands and then head back to registration to download. You are not allowed to wait and congregate at the finish.
Sorry but no friends or family are currently allowed at the finish area.
All participants must return to the event registration building to download their time, hand back their SPORTident timing chip and collect their certificate.
On entering the building or joining the queue all you must wear a face mask, sanitise your hands and maintain social distancing.
When you reach the download table you must:
Sanitise dibber with the supplied paper towels and sanitiser.
Self dib into the download SPORTident box.
Remove the dibber using the provided safety scissors and place the dibber into the ‘dibber return’ plastic box and the used strap into the bin.
There will be no on the day rider times and certificates will be self collect from the certificate table within the hall. The download staff will inform you of your award.
Once you have downloaded we ask you to leave the venue as soon as possible. Please do not congregate at download or the finish. If participants need to wait for friends/family to finish they must do so in their car or somewhere away from the venue.
No Post Ride Refreshments
Sadly due to covid we are currently unable to provide any of our usual post-event tea and cake. This is a real pity as it is something we have always provided and something we regard as being integral to our events. However we need to respect the rules and ensure we all do our part to see a safe return to events.
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