Spring MTB Marathon
Date: Sunday 12th April
Venue/start/finish: Hope Sports Club, Hope, North Derbyshire
Route options: Long – 70km/1700m climb; Short 47km/1000m climb
This is a mountain bike marathon event over a fixed/set course in the Dark and White Peak District run under BMBO (British Mountain Bike Orienteering) rules and regulations. Expect plenty of superb Peak District mountain biking including challenging climbs, epic descents and of course some great scenery.
There are long and short route options – click here for the map/route profiles
For a fully comprehensive event road book which tells you all you need to know including venue details, event format, timings, feed station location, timing awards (i.e. gold, silver and bronze bands for both men and ladies) plus kit required etc click here
**NB late news! There will be shower facilities available at the sports club at the finish.
The 16th Winter Trailquest/MBO Series
The series is now complete and the final league table can be seen here
These results are provisional for now and will be declared final on 6/4/15 whereupon prize winners will be contacted by email. Should you have any query about the results please email us on info(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)darkandwhite.co.uk
Congratulations need to go to the following class winners and runners up (in brackets) – the series has been incredibly well supported throughout in addition we have seen some of the closest finishing positions/points in the whole history of the 16 years it’s been running. We hope you’ll all be back for the 17th series!!
Men | Darren Alexander (Chris Harrop)
Ladies | Esther Hobson (Hannah Moulton/Katie Rockliff)
Vet Men | Mark Rowley (Mark McPhillips)
Vet Ladies | Sheila Pearce (Maggie McPhillips)
Super Vet Men | Phil Upton (Jonathan Edwards)
Super Vet Ladies | Julie Morrissey (Jan Fox)
Men 60+ | Roger de Faye (Dennis Jaques)
Ladies 60+ | Clare DeFaye
Mixed Team | David Langridge/Sarah Clegg
Vet Mixed Team | Mark & Vanessa Condliffe (David Beale/Laura Davison)
Super Vet Mixed | Carolyn & Phil Sykes
Generation | Mark & Milo Dixon
BMBO National League Table
To see the up to date National League table click here and follow the prompt – the table is currently dominated by regular D&W riders! Well done so far to Mark Rowley, Phil Upton and John Rawden who have the top three spots – keep it going!
The 15th Peak District Summer Evening Trailquest/MBO Series
Entries are now open for the 16th running of this popular Peak District two hour evening series. Event venues are almost finalised, all we wish for now is warm, sunny weather and bone dry tracks!
Once again there are six events in the series (all on Wednesday evenings) with your best three scores to count but this year they are split into two lots of three as follows:
May 6th, 13th & 20th
July 8th, 15th & 22nd
At all events registration opens at 5.00pm and you can start riding anytime up to 7.00pm.
You can either enter the events individually or initially the whole series at a discounted rate.
**NEW for this year – there will be 4 or 5 compulsory controls on each event.
For all event information and online entries click here
Online Entries update
All our mountain bike and trail running events online entries are being handled from now on by Fabian4 – this will mean that on your first entry via Fabian that you will have to register all your personal details, thereafter simply log in as you have done with D&W before.
We have done our very best to set up the entry and payment system to be as smooth and as ‘obvious’ as possible but please do not hesitate to give us your feedback and marks out of 10 etc!